
Showing posts from December, 2021

Who Needs a Companion?

 Who needs a Companion? We all do. Humans are social animals. We subconsciously crave companionship. What we can't get from our fellow humans, we garner from our "pets". But, in reality, our "pets" are defined in terms of cats and dogs. It's hard to cuddle up to an iguana, a spider, or a snake. Humans domesticated dogs thousands of years ago. We did it by breeding dogs into a domesticity where they never grow up: they spend their entire life as dependent puppies . Dogs have been bred to instinctively understand that humans are, in general, their source of what they need to survive: shelter, food, and, yes, companionship. Dogs are also social animals, when "gone feral", they revert to type. They're still puppies, but they bond together in social packs. Cats, on the other hand, slide through our grasp, go through puberty and "matriculate" into full cathood. They are mature animals. As such, they are not as dependent on humans for surv

What Makes Squirrels "Squirrely"?

 Have You Ever Merged with a Squirrel? Well, I did, and... It was a experience. I was immediately dizzy. It felt like my head was spinning. I had to pull back from the merge. once-in-a-lifetime  I had to sit down in a chair. After grounding myself and regaining my balance , I asked the squirrel what it had felt. The squirrel said it was fine... just a little confused because I was so much slower than it was. And that was the key. We think that animals live at the same speed we do. We know that many have shorter lifetimes than humans. And others have longer lifetimes. Maybe animals EXPERIENCE their lifetimes as just as long or just as short as our lives feel to us? Perhaps squirrels and other animals live at a faster vibrational frequency than most humans, or at least than I do. Did you know that the speed at which something is shown to you can register in your mind without you "seeing" it with your eyes. If it's shown In this way, you can be "programmed." Sublim